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HR Zone » Best HR Practices » How to get grip on workplace bullying?

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How to get grip on workplace bullying?
Pankaj Picture
8 Posts
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Posted 28-11-2018Reply

Workplace bullying still remains a major issue with the organisations even after the policy frameworks. What do you think could possibly a solid solution to this problem?

Talentpro Picture
7 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 12-01-2019

Sensitive topic though, First of all, we must understand what exactly the Bullying term meant for?

Definition according to THE BAR ASSOCIATION OF INDIA

“Bullying means systematically and chronically inflicting physical hurt or psychological distress on one or more students or employees. It is further defined as unwanted and repeated written, verbal, or physical behavior, including any threatening, insulting, or dehumanizing gesture, by a student or adult, that is severe or pervasive enough to create an intimidating, hostile, or offensive educational environment; cause discomfort or humiliation; or unreasonably interfere with the individual’s school performance or participation; and may involve but is not limited to: teasing, social exclusion, threat, intimidation, stalking, physical violence, theft, sexual, religious, or racial harassment, public humiliation, or destruction of property.”

Bullying in the workplace can be hard to identify, mainly if the victim is new to the workplace. Mostly superior bullies an employee. Employees are happier and more productive in a company that vigorously prevents and deals with workplace bullying.

Here are the few ways to stop bullying at workplace

1. Have a clear anti-bullying policy that employees of all levels are aware of
2. Train and educate employees about workplace bullying and how to recognize it
3. Set up a medium that employees at any level can use the medium to report bullying
4. Encourages employees to speak up openly
5. Never disregard a complaint simply
6. Take immediate action if you get to know about the bullying

Ariaa Picture
1 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 14-01-2019

A menace to the professional sphere & an enforcer of toxicity, workforce bullying has got be eliminated to protect productivity from falling towards the bottom. Read real stories here:

Debora Picture
31 Posts
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  Rated 0 | Posted 12-06-2019

Workplace bullying is any ongoing harmful or threatening behavior by a person or group of people in your workplace that creates a risk to your health and safety. It can happen in any kind of workplace, and the person or group doesn’t need to be a manager or someone in a position of power over you. Bullying can come from co-workers just as much as it can come from your boss.
Some types of workplace bullying include:
•insulting, yelling, swearing at you
•hurtful comments making fun of you or your work
•spreading rumours, gossip or innuendo about you
•excluding you from workplace activities or conversations
•playing mind games or ‘ganging up’
•giving you pointless or demeaning tasks that don’t help you do your job
•making impossible demands; setting you up to fail
•using your roster to deliberately make things difficult for you
•withholding important info
•physical violence, from pushing and tripping to outright attacks
•threatening phone calls or texts or threatening you with workplace equipment like knives or drills
•initiation or ‘hazing’ rituals where you have to do something unacceptable or humiliating or illegal.
Workplace discrimination is when someone treats you differently (not just meanly) at work based on a personal characteristic, such as being pregnant or being gay. For example, it would be discrimination if you were being made fun of just because you have a disability, or because you’re female.

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